Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of ProposedRoadmap

09/26/06 23:25:53 (18 years ago)



  • ProposedRoadmap

    v1 v1  
     1= Proposed roadmap for Musepack =
     3== 1. Code cleanup and restructuration ==
     4 a. Split mppenc in 3 parts :[[br]] no nead to be able to compile mppenc, but libs must compile and have clear entry points and structs
     5  * libmpcpsy (name ?) for the psyco-acoustic model
     6  * libmpcenc for qmf filtering, quantization , entropy coding and stream formating
     7  * mppenc (mpcenc ? name ?) for command line utility
     8 b. Make a minimal mppenc using libmpcenc and lipmpcpsy and .wav input (from another lib ?). Encoding must be the same as 1.15w bit for bit (without tags).
     9 c. Code cleanup :
     10  * rewrite mppenc from old code and use libs as much as possible (taglib, ...)
     11  * code cleanup : remove all unused / commented code, look for duplicated code, use fftw lib for libmpcpsy
     13== 2. First sv8 steps ==
     14 * write sv8 needs and start a specification
     15 * add sv8 to libmpcenc / libmpcdec
     16 * create an utility to convert sv7 => sv8 using libmpcdec / libmpcenc
     17 * maybe release sv8.0 at this point
     18 * put sv8 frames into other containers (mkv)
     19 * try to improve entropy coding of current stream. release sv8.1 if successful, update the convert utility
     21== 3. Improving sv8, the incompatible way ==
     22untill this point, conversion from from sv7 to sv8 was lossless.
     23 * Improve lipmpcpsy if possible (doesn't break compatibility, but make old encodes obsolete)
     24 * Change core compression : make use of transform, state of the art compression tools. This time compatibility is totaly broken. Once done release sv8.2 ?
     26Thanks for adds, comments